Freshsales allows users to associate a lead or contact with multiple email addresses. All emails from these multiple email addresses will be maintained under a single lead and can be accessed from recent conversations. 

Consider a scenario where your contact, a sales manager, is evaluating your offering for their startup. They have been trialing your product using their workplace email address ([email protected]) and are now looking to make a purchase. They also handle the company’s central billing email address ([email protected]) and require you to send the invoice and billing details to this email address. Maintaining two conversations with the same person should not involve creating two separate contacts. This is where adding multiple email addresses helps.

How to add multiple email addresses to a lead/contact?

  1. While adding/editing a lead, click + Add email on the Edit Lead form. 
  2. Fill in the new email and select a label to associate with the email. Click the radio button to mark the primary email address.

    To remove an email, click the minus button associated with the email on the right.


  1. Marking an email primary makes it the default email for features such as bulk emails, sales sequence, workflows, etc.
  2. Email addresses other than the primary email will not be used for the above features to prevent multiple emails to the same Lead/Contact. 
  3. To send an email to a secondary address, enter the address directly in the Recipient field. Alternatively, set the secondary address as the primary recipient if that's your preferred method.

Here’s how the conversation with a lead appears:


How to import multiple email addresses through import?

There are three important things that you'd need to know about when you import multiple email IDs from a .CSV/.XLSX file, described in detail below:

  1. Preparing your CSV file:
    Maintain a separate column for all the email addresses that are to be uploaded. A total of 10 emails for each lead is supported.

  1. Importing the file
    Drag and drop or upload the .CSV/.XLSX file to start importing your leads.

  1. Mapping fields
    Review the mapping of all fields that have been uploaded. Fields that are not mapped will not be uploaded to the CRM. Map multiple email addresses to a lead by selecting the email field and the label of the email field. 

  1. In case the primary email field is not mapped, then the first email mapped to the other emails field is used as the primary email.
  2. Only one email address can be mapped as the primary email.
  3. Upto 9 email addresses can be mapped under the Other emails field.

Once the import is complete, you can view leads' email addresses, with the primary address on the top.

Reasons for failure of data import

  • Invalid email address - If the email addresses in your CSV/XLSX file aren’t of the proper @xyz format (e.g: instead of jamesampleton@sales).

  • Unique Fields - If there is a match between the value of a field that is being imported and an existing unique field in the product.

  • Unmapped Columns - Columns that aren’t mapped with any of the fields in the product.

  • Improper Field Type - If the field type is different from the type of value in the column.

  • Picklist Values - If you are mapping a column with values for a picklist (such as Radio button/Checkbox/Drop down menu) with a field in the product (also a picklist), you need to double check that the values in the column match with the choices of the field (picklist).

  • For e.g : If you’ve got a column that has the values 1, 2, 3 for the Number of leads attempted and want to map it to a radio button (field) in the product, make sure that that radio button has 1, 2, 3 as the field’s choices.