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Sprout Blossom Garden EstateForest

While creating a custom filter view, you’d be adding filter conditions to refine your results.

Each field that you choose has a set of operators by which you can relate your filter results.

Let’s see how each operator behaves while filtering the records.

  • Click on the Filter button to open the filters pane from the list view page.
  • You can now see the applied filters of the current view

  • Choose a field using the Filter leads by (+) search bar.


  1. Say you choose to filter by a text field(or Dropdown, Radio button, Multi select) like for ex, Owner. The operators available for this type of field(s) are:

Operators for Text/Dropdown/Radio button/Multiselect


What it does?



Lists records that exactly match one of the input value

To list all records owned by Jake Martin or Ashley Fletcher,

does not contain

Lists all records except the ones that match your input value

To view records that aren’t owned by Keira Knightley,

is empty

Lists all records without any value for the field chosen

To list all records that are unassigned.

is not empty

Lists all records that has any value for the field chosen

The field should not be empty

To view records assigned to some owner.

(only for Text fields)

Lists all records that matches exactly your input value. 

To find all duplicate records that have exactly the same name.

Is Not
(only for Text fields)

Lists all records that doesn’t match with your input value

To find all records that have values other than the input value.

b. Say you choose to filter by a number field like Lead score. The operators available for this field are:

Operators for Number filed


What it does?



Any record with a Lead score (can be zero or greater than zero)

To list all records having a Lead score(irrespective of the score value),

< less than

Lists all records having a Lead score within 0 to your input value 

To view records that have a Lead score below 50, 

> greater than

Lists all records having a Lead score more than your input value 

To view records that have a Lead score above 50,

= equal to

Exactly matches your input value

To list all records matching a single value, say 94.

!= not equal to

Lists all records except the ones that equals your input value

To list all records other than ones matching a single value, say 98.


Record that lies in the input range

To list records with Lead score starting from 50 to 90,

is not empty

Lists all records that has any value for the field chosen

To view records that has some Lead score(be it 0 or more than that).

is empty

Lists all records without any value for the field chosen

To list all records has no Lead score yet. i.e. Lead score field has no value

Operators for Checkbox fields


What it does?



All records that have the checkbox field checked

To filter all records with Do not Disturb, ie, Leads who have unsubscribed.


Lists all records that have the checkbox field unchecked

To filter all leads who don’t have authority

Has any value

Lists all records which either checked or unchecked

To view records that are checked or unchecked

To get the most out of filters, you need to play around with different fields and related operator combinations based on your needs.

Sorting entity records:

To use sort options,


  1. Select a view from the leads list view page. Click on the column header by which you want to sort the records.

  2. Each click lets you toggle between ascending and descending order of sorting. 

  3. As you can add any field as a column to the list view page, you can sort by all(default + custom) fields.

  4. You can also use filters in combination with the sort options to refine your results.