Check with your system administrators before accessing Freshsales to ensure the following system and browsers are available.
Operating System and Hardware Requirements
Ensure your computers are installed with one of the following operating systems:
- Windows 7.0 (Windows 10 recommended) or higher
- OSX 10.12.1 or higher
- 4 core CPU and 6 core or higher
- 4 GB RAM and 8 GB or higher
Browser Requirements
Supported web browsers:
Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge: Latest 2 versions
Browser Feature Requirements
Depending on the browser of your choice, you will then have to configure the following browser features:
JavaScript must be enabled
Cookies must be enabled
Session Storage must be enabled
Local Storage must be enabled
IndexedDB must be enabled
HTTPS - TLS v1.2 or higher
Mobile Operating System Requirements
Freshsales app is available on both the App Store and Google Play. We recommend as a minimum requirement, you use the following or higher versions of the mobile operating system:
iOS: 10.0 or higher (iPhone 5s and above, 64 bit)
Android: or higher