Whenever the bounce rate of your emails crosses 5%, Freshsales sends you warning message to draw your attention. This is an indication that your bounce rate is high and you need to pay attention to bring it down. This notification will pop-up until the bounce rate drops below 5%.
Note: When your bounce rate crosses 10%, your email feature will be suspended indefinitely. You need to clean up your junk leads and contact support@freshsales.io to get it enabled again. |
So, what should I do to bring down the bounce rate?
The ideal way to bring down bounce rate is to filter out leads that have Bounced or Invalid email addresses and then follow it up by sending emails until your bounce rate drops. Here’s how you can do the same:
Step 1: Clean up your mailing list
1. On your leads page, head to the Filter by button and click the same. This opens a sidebar that allows you to filter leads based on various conditions.
2. Search for Subscription status in the filter field. This presents you with the various Filter conditions with which you can filter your leads. Use filter conditions Bounced and Reported as spam.
3. Bulk select leads that have been segregated using the filter conditions. Click on the delete button to remove the leads from your CRM.
Step 2: Send emails to the cleaned list
It is important to understand that bounce rate is an average value and can only be reduced gradually.
So, for your bounce rate to fall, start sending emails to leads/ contacts who are likely to open or respond to your emails. This improves the open rate of your emails and reduces the bounce rates gradually.