In accordance with GDPR regulations, Freshsales has updated Terms of Service (“ToS”) and Privacy Notice (“Notice”). These will be effective from 25 May 2018. We encourage you to read them completely and let us know if you have any questions. Here’s a quick look at what’s changed and what’s not.
With growing emphasis on data privacy practices and with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) set to become effective shortly, we have revamped our privacy notice. We have made a distinction between the different roles played by Freshworks (data controller vs. data processor), the types of data collected or processed by Freshworks and how such data is used. Further, in addition to our EU-US Privacy Shield certification, we are now self-certified under the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework. Some of the significant changes in the ToS revolve around data privacy such as – we have introduced a Data Processing Addendum – an online agreement to address our processor obligations with respect to EU personal data. Apart from this, you will find that we have, inter alia, included terms relating to our products “Freshmarketer” and “Freshteam” under this consolidated ToS. Also, certain features in our products have been updated to comply with the requirements under GDPR. You can find more information on the new and improved features on our GDPR microsite.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the main changes to the ToS?
You will find that we have, inter alia,
a) introduced a Data Processing Addendum – an online agreement to address our processor obligations with respect to EU personal data;
b) included terms relating to our products “Freshmarketer” and “Freshteam” under this consolidated ToS;
c) introduced a new section to address product/feature specific clauses supplemental to the ToS. This way, only the terms that are relevant to the Freshworks product(s)/feature(s) you have subscribed to, will apply to you;
d) included a new clause on Anti-Corruption.
Are there any changes to the product or service?
Certain features in our products have been updated to comply with the requirements under GDPR. You can find more information on the new and improved features on our GDPR microsite. Otherwise, we still offer the same service and will continue to add amazing new features to improve the customer support experience.
Are there any changes to the pricing and payment terms?
No, your pricing and payment terms do not change.
Is the free plan still free?
Yes it is. We are proud of the thousands of startups that use our products to support their customers and we will continue to support this cause.
I have signed a custom contract with Freshworks. Does this update apply to me?
The changes made to our ToS do not apply to you. You will continue to be governed by the custom contract you have signed with us.