Applicable plans
Sprout Blossom Garden EstateForest

When companies express an interest in your product/service, the representatives of the companies you engage with, become your contacts while the companies become accounts.  Freshsales offers the following methods to bring your contacts inside your CRM, that work well with any sales process you follow.

Ways to add contacts manually:

       1. Using the Quick Add button

With the Quick Add button, new contacts are a click away. Clicking the respective button opens an overlay that lets you fill the contact’s  information. As this button is permanently placed on the Quick Actions bar, you can access it from anywhere in Freshsales and add contacts  real quick.

      2. Importing contacts from a .CSV file

When your contacts are documented in a sheet from tradeshows or conferences, import them to Freshsales by converting the sheet into a .CSV file. You can import contacts along with their accounts by making sure your CSV file has a column with the names of the companies of your contacts. The contacts are imported and associated with the related accounts in Freshsales. 

     3. Adding contacts after a phone conversation

Freshsales lets you add people as contacts after you’ve had a conversation with them over the phone. When you log their call, you can create a new contact. It is particularly useful when phone recordings need to be evaluated more before adding new contacts. 

Ways to contacts automatically:

  1. Using Freshsales for Web library
Automatically get your website visitors as contacts when they fill out any web form (signup forms, subscription forms and so on) on your website by installing Freshsales for Web on your website. 

Freshsales for Web is only available in Estate.