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Integrating DocuSign with Freshsales allows you to send documents to your contacts and get them signed. This integration helps you create and track signatures on documents from within the details pages of leads, contacts, accounts, and deals. 
How to install DocuSign?

  1. Go to Admin Settings> Apps. Search for ‘DocuSign’ in the search bar and click DocuSign from the results.

  2. Click. This brings up a page where you can initiate integration between your DocuSign and Freshsales accounts. 

  1. Click . You will be taken to an authentication page where your DocuSign account requests permission to access your Freshsales account information. 

  1. Click  to give permission. This brings up a new tab, where you would be required to sign in to your DocuSign account.

  2. Sign in to your DocuSign account to activate your integration.

After signing into your DocuSign account, you will be taken back to Freshsales where you can view the Company name and email of the DocuSign account which you have integrated with Freshsales. You can find the DocuSign icon on the right-side panel on the Lead, Contact, Account, and Deal details pages.

How to create and send a DocuSign envelope from within Freshsales?

On DocuSign, an envelope refers to a single document or a collection of documents that are to be shared with recipients to be signed. 

To create a DocuSign envelope in Freshsales,

1. Open any record– lead, contact, account, or deal– and click the DocuSign icon on the details page. This scrolls down to the apps section of the details page.

2.  PREPARING THE ENVELOPE: To send an envelope via DocuSign, you can choose between sending an existing template or create a new envelope from scratch.

  1. Creating a new envelope:
    i. To create a new envelope, click the  button if you wish to create a new envelope from files stored on Freshsales. This opens up an overlay from where you can select/add files to create your envelope. 

ii. To add a new file, click on “Upload your file” to upload a file to Freshsales. Once the file is uploaded you can choose the file by clicking the checkbox from the ‘Select Existing Files’ section.

iii. After choosing the file(s), click  . This takes you to the overlay where you can add the recipients and send them the documents for signing.

iv. Adding recipients: 

  • Choose recipients to whom the documents must be sent by clicking the dropdown and selecting from the list of Leads/Contacts. To add more recipients, click  Add Recipient and add more recipients. 

  • Click the dropdown associated with each recipient and choose whether the recipient needs to sign the documents or just receive a copy.

  • Click the ‘  Set Signing Order to define the order in which the document needs to be signed. For example, if Recipient A and B are assigned order 1 and 2 respectively, Recipient B can sign the document only after the document is signed by Recipient A.

    Note: Setting a signing order is optional.

  • Add a message to all the recipients.

  • ADVANCED settings: You can also set an expiration date for the document and configure automatic reminders to be sent to the recipients until they complete signing the document. Additionally, you can also decide if the recipients have privileges to change the signing order by clicking the checkbox ‘Allow recipients to change signing responsibility

  1. Using an existing template:
    To send an existing template, click. This brings up an overlay from where you can search for existing templates, select them, and send them to recipients of your choice. Follow the steps mentioned above to choose recipients, set signing order, configure reminders, and decide the signing privileges. 


3. Click. This opens the DocuSign app overlay within Freshsales. 

  • You can configure the document to add the standard fields and signatures for all the recipients.

  • You can also add custom fields to the document by clicking and adding a custom field.

    Get a preview of the document by clicking the button.

4. Click . This will send the envelope to the intended recipients. 

Tracking the status of the envelope

Once an envelope has been sent to the intended recipients, you can track whether the documents have been opened or signed from the details page. Click on View History to get a detailed view of the opens and signatures made on your document.

How to disable the Freshsales <-> DocuSign integration?
To disable the DocuSign integration on your Freshsales account, go to Admin Settings > Apps > DocuSign and click Edit Settings. On the edit settings page, click Remove to disable the integration.