With Freshworks Analytics, you can deep dive into your data and obtain insights, specific to your business. Analytics is a platform built for everyone - you decide which metrics you want to track, how you want to see them and you can do it without having to write even a single line of code. You can also share these reports with your team and other decision-makers by scheduling reports to be sent to inboxes, directly.


Creating reports

With Analytics, you can access two kinds of reports:

  1. Curated reports: Reports configured by in-house experts to give you a bird's eye view of your account.

  2. Custom reports: Reports you can configure to show key performance indicators that you wish want to track. Customize and build your reports your way, with minimal effort. Pick metrics you want to study— you can select filters of choice and experiment with charts to analyze your data.


  • Report: A report is a representation of metrics that have been tracked. It can be used to group and observe relevant data. 

    For example, if you're looking to create a dashboard to track ‘Quarterly sales across geographies’ or ‘ Sales across product categories,’ you can create a report to track it. 

  • Widgets: A widget is an element that can be added to a report to track one or several metrics. A report can be created using multiple widgets.

    Your web application offers two types of Widgets:
    - Chart Widget
    - Text Widget

    Filters can be applied to a single widget as well as all the widgets in a report. You can organize your report by creating multiple pages of widgets.

    Your web application provides you with predefined widgets such as ‘Deal Value by Territory’, ‘Total Leads grouped by Product’, etc. In addition to these predefined widgets, you may create your own to be added to your report. Click here to learn how to create a widget. 

    Note: A Maximum of 10 widgets can be added to a report.

  • Filters: Filters can be used to segregate records based on field values from a single or a group of fields. You can also use grouping– ANY/AND- while applying filters.

    For example, if you wish to learn about the revenues brought in by an individual sales team for a quarter, you can apply the ‘Team’ field as a filter. 

  • Group: When you group by a value, Freshworks Analytics automatically picks the best visualization for your data.
    For example, when creating a Quarterly sales report for all territories, you can add ‘Products’ under the group so that you can split the revenue in individual revenues for a given Product offering.

  • Underlying data: Pull up all records that have been filtered for the report. The data is shown in a tabular form; the size of the screen limits us to a certain number of columns but you can choose which columns you'd like to view by clicking the  Underlying Data button.

    Once the underlying data is pulled up, click the button to add more columns to your report. Click button to download or send the report to your email.

    You may also apply filters on the underlying data to zero in further.

  • Metric: Metric is a number property that you can operate on.
    For example: Total Deals, Total Contacts, Sum of Deal Values etc.

  • Attribute: Attribute is a number or a text or boolean property that you can use to filter or group metrics by.
    For example: Territory, Deal pipeline, Industry type.

If you've got any questions about Analytics, please feel free to write to crm-support@freshworks.com with your queries.