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Reports are an easy and graphic way for you to evaluate your team's performance. Freshsales offers a few reports by default. But if you’d like to use  a report that is different from the ones provided, you can always create one for yourself and even share it with your team.

Here’s how you do it,

  1. Login to Freshsales.
  2. Click the Reports tab. A list of the default reports and reports created by or shared with you is displayed.
  3. Choose a Category for the report. E.g Select Deals if you’d like to create a custom report exclusively for deals.
  4. Click the Create report button. 

There are 5 steps involved in creating a report,

  1. Filling the details of the report
  2. Setting filter conditions for the data in the report
  3. Building a table
  4. Previewing the table
  5. Adding a chart

Filling the details of the report

Under Report details

  1. Enter the Report Name and also provide a brief Description.
  2. Select the category for your report by clicking the Category drop down. The category cannot be changed after the report has been created.
  3. You can also choose to share this report with everyone in your team or keep it private by selecting the appropriate radio button under Visible to.

Setting filter conditions for the data in the report

Under Set Conditions,

  1. Select a time period to filter the data that you’d like to view in your report. 
  2. Choose the type of logic to use on filter conditions. 
    1. Quick logic -  Binary logic where the report fetches data from the record if Any or All of the conditions match. 
    2. Advanced logic - You can create an equation with the filter conditions to find more refined data in your report.
  3. If you’ve selected Quick Logic,

    1. Click the Match drop-down and select one of the two options - Any or All.
    2. You can add filter conditions by selecting any field from the select a field drop down (only the fields of the category you’ve chosen are listed.) Say you’ve chosen Deals as your category, only deal fields are listed in the drop down.
    3. Once you select a field, you can set a condition based on the value of that field. Say you’d like to know the deals lost in your report. You can choose the field Deal Stage, set the condition to “is in” and select Lost from the drop down that lists all the deal stages in your account.
    4. You can set any number of conditions for your report. You can also remove conditions if need be.
  4. On the other hand, if you’ve selected Advanced logic,

    1. You have to create an equation with the filter conditions you add for your report.
  • Let’s say you want your report to show you the lost deals that are above $500 in value or from new businesses. But you don’t want to see the deals that were lost to your competitor. Here’s what you do,
  • Select the field Deal Stage, choose “is in” and “Lost” from the drop down. This is your first filter condition. Let’s call this 1.
  • Select the field Deal Value, choose “is greater than” and enter $500. This is filter condition 2.
  • Select the field Type, choose “is in” and select “New business”. This is filter condition 3.
  • Lastly, select the field Lost reason, choose “is not in” and select “Opted our rival” from the drop down. This is filter condition 4.
  • Now your equation should be (1AND(2OR3)AND4). Use AND when you want both filter conditions satisfied and OR when you want any one of the two filter conditions satisfied.

Building a table

After you’ve set the filter conditions for your report, choose how you’d like the report to be generated as a table. You can have one of the following tables,

  1. Simple 
  2. Summary 
  3. Matrix 

  1. Simple: This table displays all the records that satisfy the filter conditions with the fields as columns and the values for the fields as rows. You can choose the fields you want in the table by clicking the Add field button when you generate a preview (click Tabular Data Preview). A list of all the default fields (in the category you’ve chosen for your report) can be found in the drop down. Select the fields you want by clicking the checkbox beside them. 
  2. Summary: If you’d like to group the data by two fields and view them as rows in a table, choose to view your report as a summary. Say you’d like to know the deals each sales rep in your team has and also know which stage they are in. Choose Summary and under Grouping fields click the Add new field button. You can add a maximum of two fields. Select Owner for the first field and Deal stage for the second. 
  3. Matrix: You can group your data by two row fields and two column fields to view the data in your report better. Say you’d like to view the deals along with their stages and owners for each product in your account, choose Matrix and under Grouping fields click the Add new field button for rows and columns respectively. Under Rows, select Owner for the first field and Deal stage for the second. Under Columns, select Product for the first field. (Note: You don’t always have to add 4 fields to generate a matrix report.)

Both the tables Summary and Matrix allow you to view the sum, average, minimum and maximum of any of the numeric fields in your report. After you’ve built a table with rows and/or columns, under Summarize, click one or all of the following checkboxes,

Say, you’d like to view the sum of the deals in each stage under each owner, select Deal value as the field and select the checkbox Sum.

Tabular Data Preview

If you’d like to know what your report would look like after you’ve set your filter conditions and built your table, click Tabular Data Preview. From the preview generated, you can click on any of the figures to view a drilled down table of that record. The drilldown view as the name suggests is for you to be able to view granular details of the data in your report.



You can choose to include a chart of your choice in your report. There are 4 types of charts that you can use,

  1. Horizontal Bar graph - The values for the X axis can be the Count of, Sum of or Average of the filtered data while the Y axis can be any one of the default fields (in the category you’ve chosen for your report).
  2. Vertical Bar graph - The X axis can be any one of the default fields (in the category you’ve chosen for your report) while the values for the Y axis can be the Count of, Sum of or Average of the filtered data.
  3.  Pie - The wedges (or sections) in a pie chart can represent one of the default fields (in the category you’ve chosen for your report) while the values can be the Count of, Sum of and Average of.
  4. Funnel - The wedges (or sections) in a funnel chart can represent one of the default fields (in the category you’ve chosen for your report) while the values can be the Count of, Sum of or Average of the filtered data.

When you’re done, click Save to generate your custom report. The reports you create can be found under their respective categories in the Reports list view page.

Note: Any changes in the data in the report would take at most 30 minutes to get reflected.